I'm realizing a Firefox extension using one of the last (or the last) version of jpm (1.0.5) but the extension does not call the startup() or shutdown() methods. I know that should be mandatory to declare the extension as
into the install.rdf file, but when I have created my namespace (using jpm init) there was not this file, that it is replaced from package.json. In this case how I should modify the files to use startup and shutdown methods working?
In my main.js I listen for load and unload like this.
exports.main = function(options, callbacks) {
if (options.loadReason == "install" || options.loadReason == "startup") {
factory = new Factory(AboutDualView);
factory = new Factory(AboutEPFViewer);
exports.onUnload = function (reason) {
if (reason == "shutdown") {
function registerRemotePages(){
let DualViewmanager = new RemotePages("about:dualview");
let EPFViewmanager = new RemotePages("about:epfviewer");
Reference https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/SDK/Tutorials/Listening_for_load_and_unload