
Experience using Strobe Media Playback (OSMF)?

Does anyone have an experience of using Strobe Media Playback (OSMF) in a real project?

How is it compared to JW Player and Flowplayer?

Any answers are kindly accepted.

Thank you!


  • OSMF helps in standardizing and streamlining development for media delivery and will , as a framework , hide all the details from you the developer and give you a set of tools to simplify your task.

    Also , OSMF aim at using the same tools whether you're dealing with video, audio & images. So on one hand , you have a simplified approach to develop your own video solution but on the other hand you can broaden this approach and use OSMF for all types of media.

    It seems OSMF will get a lot of support, Flash is widely used for video delivery and media delivery, so the idea of a standardized approach has been welcomed by the community.

    Strobe Media Playback is an implementation of OSMF , since Adobe is behind it , it may mean that they would want it to become a standard for video delivery in Flash. Of course JWP & FP have been around for quite some time, but my guess is SMP may come as a strong contender... Just a guess :)