
Execute multiple queries as one dblink transaction

I am working in a Java application where I need to execute these the two queries (as Strings in java) at the same time and rollback the transaction if there where errors.

SELECT dblink_exec(' port=5432 dbname=bdname user=myuser password=mypass connect_timeout=2',
'INSERT INTO table3(field4) 
VALUES (5)') AS result;

SELECT dblink_exec(' port=5432 dbname=bdname user=myuser password=mypass connect_timeout=2',
'UPDATE table1 SET field2 = field2 + 3.0 WHERE field1 = 16436') AS result;


I created one String with the two queries separated with ; as in the comments suggest


I have tried JDBC atomic transactions as the code in java. I force the second sql fail but even if I am specifying .setAutoCommit(false); the dblink affected the other database with the first query. I tried the same code with NO dblink transactions and the rollback works well. dblink is the problem.


public static boolean ejecutarTransaccionDblink(String sql) {
    boolean estado = false;
    try {
        Statement sentencia = conexion.createStatement();
        if (sql.length() != 0) {
            if (sentencia.execute(sql)) {
                estado = true;
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
        try {
            estado = false;
        } catch (SQLException ex1) {
    } finally {
        try {
            return estado;
        } catch (SQLException ex) {
            return estado;

Thanks for your help.


  • In order to run the queries in a transaction, you simply need to set the auto-commit feature to false on the connection (remembering to set it back to true when you're done, especially if the connection is retrieved from a connection pool - and therefore reused).

    The code is relatively simple:

    ResultSet resultado = null;
    String statement1 = "SELECT dblink_exec(' port=5432 dbname=bdname user=myuser password=mypass connect_timeout=2','INSERT INTO table3(field4) VALUES (5)') AS result";
    String statement2 = "SELECT dblink_exec(' port=5432 dbname=bdname user=myuser password=mypass connect_timeout=2','UPDATE table1 SET field2 = field2 + 3.0 WHERE field1 = 16436') AS result";
        try {
            // set auto-commit to false, to indicate start of transaction
            // run whatever queries you want on the connection, in a transaction, e.g. :
            Statement sentencia = conexion.createStatement();
            resultado = sentencia.executeQuery(sql);
            //manually commit the transaction when you're done
            return resultado;
        } catch (SQLException ex) {
            System.out.println("Error Consulta:" + ex);
            // ensure transaction is rolled-back in case of error. (note: you might want to add an NPE check here
            return null;
        } finally {
            // close any statements / preparedStatements, etc. Note you MUST do this in the finally block, to ensure your connection won't stay in transaction.

    Hope that helps


    As @a_horse_with_no_name pointed out, dblink_exec connects to a remote db, so the above is not complete, as it only handles transactions in the first db.

    I believe the answer should lie with using named connections with dblink_exec where the process involves:

    Therefore, the code would look like this:

    SELECT dblink_connect('myconn',' port=5432 dbname=bdname user=myuser password=mypass connect_timeout=2');
    SELECT dblink_exec('myconn','BEGIN');
    SELECT dblink_exec('myconn', 'INSERT INTO table3(field4) VALUES (5)');
    SELECT dblink_exec('myconn', 'UPDATE table1 SET field2 = field2 + 3.0 WHERE field1 = 16436');
    SELECT dblink_exec('myconn','COMMIT');

    The thing is, this is all untested, so @KazMiller could you please give this a try?