I am using the below code to display the column properties in jasper report. But I am not able to get the three properties values to single column. Is there any possibility to get three of the properties to display using "," in a single column.
The file contains the below code:
DynamicReportBuilder drb = new DynamicReportBuilder();
drb.setTitle("Transaction List Export")
.setSubtitle("This report was generated at " + new Date())
.setDetailHeight(15) // defines the height for each record of the report
.setIgnorePagination(true) // for Excel, we may don't want pagination, just a plain list
.setMargins(30, 20, 0, 15) // define the margin space for each side (top, bottom, left and right)
.setDefaultStyles(titleStyle, subtitleStyle, headerStyle, detailStyle)
.setColumnsPerPage(1, 10)
.setUseFullPageWidth(true) // we tell the report to use the full width of the page. this resizes
// the columns width proportionally to meat the page width.
.setReportName("Client List");
AbstractColumn columnClientLocation = ColumnBuilder.getNew()
.setColumnProperty("ClientAddress", String.class.getName()+Constants.COMMA)
.setTitle(messages.getMessage(locale, "group.terminalinfo"))
width = width + 80;
* We add the columns to the report (through the builder) in the
* order we want them to appear
if(myContainer.getServiceProvider().equalsIgnoreCase("GOOG")) {
I am unable to get the values of ClientAddress
and ClientPostalCode
in a single column of jasper report .
I would like to display all these three properties in a single column.
You can not use ","
you need to use CustomExpression
to achieve desired result
First add your fields to report, so they can be accessed
drb.addField("ClientAddress", String.class.getName());
drb.addField("ClientCity", String.class.getName());
drb.addField("ClientPostalCode", String.class.getName());
Then create the AbstractColumn
with a CustomExpression
AbstractColumn columnClientLocation = ColumnBuilder.getNew().setCustomExpression(
return new CustomExpression() {
public Object evaluate(Map fields, Map variables, Map parameters) {
String clientAddress = (String) fields.get("ClientAddress");
String clientCity = (String) fields.get("ClientCity");
String clientPostalCode = (String) fields.get("ClientPostalCode");
return clientAddress + ", " + clientCity + ", " + clientPostalCode;
public String getClassName() {
return String.class.getName();