
How do I convert a String to its Enum value similar to Java's .valueOf?

Given an enum:

Public Enum Options
End Enum

and a String myString = "optionB", is there a quick way to convert the String to the corresponding enum-value? (Options.optionB / 1)

I.e. I'm looking for the VBA equivalent of Java's .valueOf()

I'm aware I could write a Select Case, but this is like writing the definition of the enum again and hard to maintain once the enum's values change.


  • edited 2: added solution #3 which

    solution #3

    1) add a Class module in your project, call it "EnumClass" (or whatever) and put in the following code

    Option Explicit
    Private Enums_ As Variant
    Public optionA As String
    Public optionB As String
    Public optionC As String
    Private Sub Class_Initialize()
        optionA = "optionA"
        optionB = "optionB"
        optionC = "optionC"
        Enums_ = GetEnums
    End Sub
    Public Property Get valueOf(enumText As String) As Long
        Dim i As Long
        valueOf = -1
        For i = LBound(Enums_) To UBound(Enums_)
            If enumText = Enums_(i) Then
                valueOf = i
                Exit For
            End If
        Next i
    End Property
    Private Function GetEnums() As Variant
        Dim VBProj As VBIDE.VBProject
        Dim CodeMod As VBIDE.CodeModule
        Dim lineCount As Long
        Dim strEnum As String
        Set CodeMod = ActiveWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents("EnumClass").CodeModule
        lineCount = 9 'if you keep class code as this one, you'd need checking lines from line 9. otherwise set it to 1 as a general setting
        With CodeMod
            Do Until InStr(UCase(.Lines(lineCount, 1)), UCase("Class_Initialize")) > 0
                lineCount = lineCount + 1
            lineCount = lineCount + 1
            Do Until InStr(.Lines(lineCount, 1), "Enums_ = GetEnums") > 0
                strEnum = strEnum & GetTextWithingQuotes(.Lines(lineCount, 1)) & ","
                lineCount = lineCount + 1
        End With
        GetEnums = Split(Left(strEnum, Len(strEnum) - 1), ",")
    End Function
    Private Function GetTextWithingQuotes(strng As String) As String
        Dim i1 As Long, i2 As Long
        i1 = InStr(strng, "=")
        i1 = InStr(i1, strng, Chr(34))
        i2 = InStr(i1 + 1, strng, Chr(34))
        GetTextWithingQuotes = Mid(strng, i1 + 1, i2 - i1 - 1)
    End Function

    2) do preliminary setting as per here (see from "In order to use the code on this page in your projects, you must change two settings." to "CAUTION" clause included)

    3) exploit it in your main sub as follows

    Option Explicit
    Sub main()
    Dim Options As New EnumClass '<== declare a variable of the EnumClass (or whatever the name you chose) and set it to a new instance of it
    Dim myString As String
    myString = "optionB"
    MsgBox "string value of 'Options.optionB' = " & Options.optionB 'exploit intellisense
    MsgBox "long Value of 'OptionB' =" & Options.valueOf(myString) 'convert the string to corresponding "enum" value
    End Sub

    here follows previous solution #2

    1) add a Module in your project, call it "OptionsModule" (or whatever) and place there your "Enum"

    Public Enum Options
    End Enum

    2) add a Class module in your project, call it "EnumClass" (or whatever) and put in the following code

    Option Explicit
    Private Enums_ As Variant
    Public Property Let Enums(enumArr As Variant)
      Enums_ = enumArr
    End Property
    Public Property Get valueOf(enumText As String) As Long
        Dim i As Long
        valueOf = -1
        For i = LBound(Enums_) To UBound(Enums_)
            If enumText = Enums_(i) Then
                valueOf = i
                Exit For
            End If
        Next i
    End Property

    3) add reference to "Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Extensibility Library"

    4) add this Function (in any module of your project)

    Function GetEnums() As Variant
        Dim VBProj As VBIDE.VBProject '<== this needs that reference to "Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Extensibility Library"
        Dim CodeMod As VBIDE.CodeModule '<== this needs that reference to "Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Extensibility Library"
        Dim lineCount As Long
        Dim strEnum As String
        Set CodeMod = ActiveWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents("OptionsModule").CodeModule
        lineCount = 2
        With CodeMod
            Do Until InStr(UCase(.Lines(lineCount, 1)), UCase("End Enum")) > 0
                strEnum = strEnum & WorksheetFunction.Trim(.Lines(lineCount, 1)) & ","
                lineCount = lineCount + 1
        End With
        GetEnums = Split(Left(strEnum, Len(strEnum) - 1), ",")
    End Function

    5) exploit it all in your main sub as follows

    Sub main()
    Dim OptionsC As New EnumClass '<== declare a variable of the EnumClass (or whatever the name you chose) and set it to a new instance of it
    Dim myString As String
    OptionsC.Enums = GetEnums() '<== fill your "Enum" class reading Module with enum
    myString = "optionB"
    MsgBox OptionsC.valueOf(myString) 'convert the string to corresponding "enum" value
    End Sub

    here follows previous solution #1

    1) add a Class module, call it "EnumClass" (or whatever) and put in the following code

    Option Explicit
    Private Enums_ As Variant
    Public Property Let Enums(enumArr As Variant)
      Enums_ = enumArr
    End Property
    Public Property Get valueOf(enumText As String) As Long
        Dim i As Long
        valueOf = -1
        For i = LBound(Enums_) To UBound(Enums_)
            If enumText = Enums_(i) Then
                valueOf = i
                Exit For
            End If
        Next i
    End Property

    2) then in your main sub exploit it as follows

    Option Explicit
    Sub main()
    Dim Options As New EnumClass '<== declare a variable of the EnumClass (or whatever the name you chose) and set it to a new instance of it
    Dim myString As String
    Options.Enums = Array("optionA", "optionB", "optionC") '<== fill your "Enum" class with string values
    myString = "optionB"
    MsgBox Options.valueOf(myString) 'convert the string to corresponding "enum" value
    End Sub