Im creaing a Program in swift where I have a "Test.swift" with a class containing some static variable. One of these variables is a UITextField
created like this :
static var textField1 : UITexField = UITextField()
The next thing I would now like to do is give this textField1 some aspects such as font and background colore such as this
static var textField1 : UITexField = UITextField()
Test.textField1.tintColor = UIColor.yellow()
It wount let me do this though because im nof in a function im still in the bare class, now I had the idea of creating a static function which than adds all the aspect and returns the finished Text Field, but I would rather do it somewhat like this :
static var textField1 : UITexField = UITextField(tintColor = UIColor.brown(), Font = etc.)
is this somehow achievable ?
Why not use extensions?
extension UITextField {
static func textFieldWithFont(font : UIFont, tintColor : UIColor) -> UITextField {
let textField = UITextField()
textField.tintColor = tintColor
textField.font = font
return textField
You can use it like so:
let textField = UITextField.textFieldWithFont(UIFont.systemFontOfSize(17), tintColor: UIColor.yellowColor())