
Find valid trigger sources on DAQmx device

Using National Instruments' DAQmx via C++, I would like to present a list of possible physical trigger inputs available on the system to the user.

I can set a task to start on an external trigger by calling something like

char* trigger_source = "/Dev1/PFI0";
DAQmxCfgDigEdgeStartTrig(taskAO, trigger_source, DAQmx_Val_Rising);

Is there a way to get a list of the valid values for trigger_source? I have found DAQmxGetSystemInfoAttribute(DAQmx_Sys_DevNames, , ) to get a list of the devices available in the system, and I know that DAQmxGetDevDILines() and similar functions can give me lists of some of the types of ports on a device. However, I have found nothing that returns the PFIs.

If a list cannot be obtained, is there a sane way to test whether a given guessing string like "/Dev%d/PFI%d" is a valid trigger source?


  • There are two ways:

    1. Dynamically on-demand
    2. Guess-check-cache-query


    You can build this list, but not with a single call into the driver. Use a combination of these properties:


    You could also create a dummy task and preview each terminal and trigger type combination.

    You won't need to run the task, just "verify" it, which will prompt the driver to run its rules system on those settings and return an error if that configuration is not supported. If you cache these in memory or a file (or a DB or whatever), it might be easier to query that instead of the driver.