Sometime Django finds an error in a template. I Would like to comment out the row to debug but django keeps to find the error even in the comment.
For example this link give me an error because url 'prova'
don't exist.
<!--<a href="{% url 'prova' %}">Prova</a><br/>-->
another example: here {{ field }}
give an error (and I don't know why but this is another problem)
<!--{% for field in form.visible_fields %}
{{ field.errors }}
{{ field.label }}
{{ field }}
{{ field.help_text }}
<br />
{% endfor %}-->
Maybe there's another way to comment?
Thank you
Django still parses the code; it doesn't care about HTML comments. If you want to ensure that it does not get rendered at all, you should use the Django comment tags, {% comment %}...{% endcomment %}
For a single line, you can wrap things in {# ... #}
See the docs.