I want to create a button which can be dragged and dropped toward another button so that the button location (x, y)
is dragged into the location of the destination button.
My code:
sejarah.onPress = function(){
sejarah.onRelease = function(){
if(this.hitTest (atarget)){
this._x = _root.atarget._x;
this._y = _root.atarget._y;}
I want to achieve this: http://www.thibaud.be/#
on(press) {
on(release) {
_x = Math.round(_x/_width)*_width + 0;
_y = Math.round(_y/_height)*_height + 0;
This is one of the most simple code that can do a job like this. You put this code inside a button and when you stop dragging this button it's position will snap to the grid.
Your button's clip center must be at top-left corner of button else it can get weird. Also, you can change beginning of grid by changing zeros to position you need.
You can draw a grid to see attachment.