
how to find out Fully qualified name IntelliJ project

I have an IntelliJ project with 2 scala objects, as below:

cloudera@quickstart tlf]$ ll
total 8
-rwxrw-r-- 1 cloudera cloudera 1601 May  2 15:45 AnalyzeGraphTlf.scala
-rwxrw-r-- 1 cloudera cloudera 1868 May  2 13:35 FormatDataTlf.scala
[cloudera@quickstart tlf]$ ls
AnalyzeGraphTlf.scala  FormatDataTlf.scala
[cloudera@quickstart tlf]$ pwd

How can I know the fully qualified name of the package?


  • According to convention that IDEA follows (and maven, and most Java & Scala developers do) all Scala sources goes to ${projectDir}/src/main/scala

    Java sources to: ${projectDir}/src/main/java

    And so on...

    in case Your Scala sources goes to: home/cloudera/ideaProjects/grafoTelefonos/src/main/scala

    Full qualified name of the package begins after '/scala' . In your case it is 'tlf' And in addition fully qualified name of class AnalyzeGraphTlf.scala is 'tlf.AnalyzeGraphTlf'

    Note that Full qualified name reflects directory structure and use '.' (dot) as a separator.