I'm trying to create a vector with subvectors consisting of elements taken out from another vector using a vector of sub-vector indexes.
Each element in b
corresponds to the sub-vector-index the elements in a
should have when put into c
import Data.Vector
let a = fromList [9,2,3,7,4,1,8,5]
let b = fromList [3,3,2,0,1,1,2,2]
let c = fromList [ a ! k | k <- b ]
Expected c = [[7],[4,1],[3,8,5],[9,2]]
I'm a bit stuck, getting the error
"Could not match expected type [Int] with actual type Vector Integer in stmt list comprehension k <- b"
This doesn't work since b
is a Vector, not a list:
k <- b
However, this can work:
[ ... | k <- toList b ]
Next, the type of a
and b
is Vector Integer
, and the !
operator takes an Int
. So you need to convert the index using fromInteger
let c = fromList [ a ! fromInteger k | k <- toList b]
Here is a way to perform the transformation without repeated passes over the arrays:
import Data.List
fst3 (b,_,_) = b
third (_,_,a) = a
doit :: Vector Int -> Vector Int -> [[Int]]
doit av bv = [ map third g | g <- groups ]
triples = zip3 (V.toList bv) [1..] (V.toList av)
groups = groupBy (\s t -> fst3 s == fst3 t) $ sort triples
This is basically a Schwartzian Transform with a groupBy added after the sorting step. The sorting on the triples is done in the canonical way - a lex sort on the first coordinate followed by the second coordinate followed by the third coordinate.
There are other ways to write the expression for groups
import Data.Funcition (on)
import GHC.Exts (groupWith)
groups = groupBy (on (==) fst3) $ sort triples
groups = groupWith fst3 triples
Note that groupBy
requires that the triples be sorted whereas groupWith