I'm using express-cassandra version 0.5.4 to connect to my hosted aws cassandra db. I am authorized to access, but no matter what I change I'm getting ECONNREFUSED
Here is the snippet for express-cassandra that's connecting, which is pretty standard right from the docs.
models.setDirectory(__dirname + '/../models').bind({
clientOptions: {
contactPoints: [process.env.Cluster1Pub,process.env.Cluster2Pub,process.env.Cluster3Pub],
protocolOptions: {port: 9042},
keyspace: process.env.keyspace
ormOptions: {
defaultReplicationStrategy : {
class: 'NetworkTopologyStrategy',
replication_factor: 3
dropTableOnSchemaChange: false,
dontCreateKeyspace: true
},function(err) {
if(err) console.log(err.message);
else console.log(models.timeuuid());
Try these settings
Change rpc_address: broadcast_rpc_address:
Reference: "All host(s) tried for query failed" Error