Whenever somebody just types ! point the snippet runs through all of its commands for some reason I'm trying to find what causes this to happen, so far I cannot find the issue in the code
alias -l sd { return " $+ $scriptdir $+ $$1 $+ " }
on $*:text:/^!(monday|tuesday|wednesday|thursday|friday|saturday|sunday|website|food|touchy|sakura|Bass|bacon|snickers|bot|quiz|quizrules|NYE|NYD|stop|dance|Leta|back|sways|ladies|enters|choice|lounge|hiphop|fault|country|piano|rocks|diva|diva1|hello|sassy|hips|bounces|woot|kiss|pops|wiggle|greets|gotit|phone|next|cheeky|dj|xmas|here|guitar|twist|dj1|facebook|cheeky1|jig|birthday|thanks|chacha|moves|fleshies|aerial|drinks|heifer|dances|tap|chacha1|jam|hairbrush|hairbrush1|hairbrush2|reggae|lmfao|accept|hairbrush3|touch|no|music|tinbot|buffering|fleshie1|brat|2step|twirls|vote|whistle|hohey|scripted|botgurl|shows|phone1|laughs|me|crazy|shares|rani|takes|hour|mj|elvis|profiles|song|sweet|brightie|fire|passenger|lr|)$/Si:#:{
if (!%f) { inc -u6 %f
if ($isfile($sd(timetable.txt))) { .play $+(-t,$regml(1)) # $sd(timetable.txt) 50 }
else { msg # Either timetable.txt doesn't exist or the txt file name doesn't match! }
menu * {
on 1:ping: { $iif(%pp,raw pong $1 wannaplaypingpong,) }
on 1:pong: { $iif(%pp,raw ping $1 wannaplaypingpong,) }
alias pingpongoff { unset %pp | echo -a Ping-Pong has been disabled. }
alias pingpongon { set %pp on | echo -a Ping-Pong has been enabled. }
alias antioff { timeridle off | unset %antiidle | echo -a Anti-Idle has been disabled. }
alias antion { .timeridle 0 120 scid -atM1 antiidle | set %antiidle on | echo -a Anti-Idle has been enabled. }
alias antiidle { .msg $status $me }
raw 401:*: {
if (connected isin $1-) && (%antiidle) { echo -s ***** SassIRC Anti-Idle | halt }
You have an error at the end of your regex.
Which contain redundant last pipe |
, remove it from the end and it will solve the problem.