I have seen that there are some posts regarding the Java Matcher class, but I was not able to find one regarding the specific methods find()
and group()
I have this piece of code, where Lane and IllegalLaneException have already been defined:
private int getIdFromLane(Lane lane) throws IllegalLaneException {
Matcher m = pattern.matcher(lane.getID());
if (m.find()) {
return Integer.parseInt(m.group());
} else {
throw new IllegalLaneException();
Looking at the Java Documentation, we have the following:
- Attempts to find the next subsequence of the input sequence that matches the pattern.
- Returns the input subsequence matched by the previous match.
My question is, which is the equivalent to the methods find()
and group()
in C#?
EDIT: I forgot to say that I am using the MatchCollection class together with Regex
C# code:
private static Regex pattern = new Regex("\\d+$"); // variable outside the method
private int getIdFromLane(Lane lane) //throws IllegalLaneException
MatchCollection m = pattern.Matches(lane.getID());
On C# you will use Regex. Regex class has a function named "Matches" which will return all coincident matches for the pattern.
And each Match has a property called Groups where are stored captured groups.
So, find -> Regex.Matches, group -> Match.Groups.
They're not direct equivalents, but they will give you the same functionality.
Here is a simple example:
var reg = new Regex("(\\d+)$");
var matches = reg.Matches("some string 0123");
List<string> found = new List<string>();
if(matches != null)
foreach(Match m in matches)
//do whatever you want with found
Remember that m.Groups[0] will contain the full capture and any subsequent Group will be captured groups.
Also, if you expect just one result then you can use .Match:
var match = reg.Match("some string 0123");
if(match != null && match.Success)
//Process the Groups as you wish.