I am writing a powershell script to notify me if two users are using the same username but different IP when playing from a plex server.
I managed to get an xml display of current connections that are steaming at that time.
What I need to do is to come up with a reg expression where I extract the User id and IP address and then I can do a search to see if there are duplicate user ID and that has different IP.
I managed to find the regex for IP addresses which is '\b\d{1,3}.\d{1,3}.\d{1,3}.\d{1,3}\b’
But having a hard time to extract the User Id from it as well. Note the User ID will always be numbers but no set limit.
Here is the example of the data
<User id="13456" title="usersmith" />
<Player address="" device="Windows" machineIdentifier="a9b222ef940"
I would parse this as xml, ex:
#$xml = [xml](Get-Content myfile.xml)
#$xml = [xml](Invoke-WebRequest ... whatever).Content
$xml = [xml]@"
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<User id="13456" title="usersmith" />
<Player address="" device="Windows" machineIdentifier="a9b222ef940" />
but if you really want regex, try @heemayl's solution except the start-of-line ^
-anchor which might not fit your real xml-data (in that case you've provided bad sampledata). Ex:
if('User id <User id="1354" thumb="plex.tv/users/a51d"; title="bob" />' -match '<User\s+id="([^"]+)"') { $Matches[1] }