Why using pca
in Matlab, I cannot get the orthogonal principal component matrix
For example:
A =
3 1 -1
2 4 0
4 -2 -5
11 22 20
>> W=pca(A)
W =
0.2367 0.9481 -0.2125
0.6731 -0.3177 -0.6678
0.7006 -0.0150 0.7134
>> PCA=A*W
0.6826 2.5415 -2.0186
3.1659 0.6252 -3.0962
-3.9026 4.5028 -3.0812
31.4249 3.1383 -2.7616
Here, every column is a principle component. So,
>> PCA(:,1)'*PCA(:,2)
ans =
But the principle component matrix hasn't mutually orthogonal components.
I checked some materials, it said they are not only uncorrelated, but strictly orthogonal. But I can't get the desired result. Can somebody tell me where I went wrong?
You are getting confused between the representation of A
in the PCA feature space and the principal components. W
are the principal components, and they will indeed be orthogonal.
Check that W(:,1).'*W(:,2) = 5.2040e-17
, W(:,1).'*W(:,3) = -1.1102e-16
-- indeed orthogonal
What you are trying to do is to transform the data (i.e. A
) in the PCA feature space. You should mean center the data first and then multiply by the principal components as follows.
% A_PCA = (A-repmat(mean(A),4,1))*W
% A more efficient alternative to the above command
A_PCA = bsxfun(@minus,A,mean(A))*W
% verify that it is correct by comparing it with `score` - i.e. the PCA representation
% of A given by MATLAB.
[W, score] = pca(A); % mean centering will occur inside pca
(score-(A-repmat(mean(A),4,1))*W) % elements are of the order of 1e-14, hence equal.