For some reason I can't scroll between different photos, can someone spot my mistake? So here's my code:
import UIKit
import MWPhotoBrowser
class TETSViewController: MWPhotoBrowser, MWPhotoBrowserDelegate {
var photo = [MWPhoto]()
override func viewDidLoad() {
displayActionButton = false
displaySelectionButtons = false
displayNavArrows = false
enableGrid = false
startOnGrid = false
autoPlayOnAppear = false
zoomPhotosToFill = true
enableSwipeToDismiss = false
func numberOfPhotosInPhotoBrowser(photoBrowser: MWPhotoBrowser!) -> UInt {
return UInt(photo.count)
override func photoAtIndex(index: UInt) -> MWPhotoProtocol! {
if index < UInt(photo.count) {
return photo[Int(index)]
} else {
return nil
func photoBrowser(photoBrowser: MWPhotoBrowser!, photoAtIndex index: UInt) -> MWPhotoProtocol! {
if index < UInt(photo.count) {
return photo[Int(index)]
} else {
return nil
I think I did everything line in official MWPhotoBrowser example, but at only one photo is being shown. By the way, this view is being loaded when I selected cell from table view, then using prepareForSegue
I assign 5 images to photo
and print(photo.count)
does print 5.
Add the following code to the function layoutSubviews in MWZoomingScrollView.m
. it works for me.
self.contentSize = CGSizeMake(floorf(self.contentSize.width), floorf(self.contentSize.height));