
TLS/SSL Connection for MQTT in java

i am working on MQTT protocol. i configured its server and performed the communication in java using its mosquitto library on port 1883. now i want to make this communication secure.What i know is port 8883 is reserved for its tls based secure communication. It requires X.509 certiicates. I found the following tutorial for this purpose.

But my question are can we generate these certificates in java code? can we use multiple certificates at a time.As according to above tutorial we can specify only one set of ceritificates at a time in mosquitto.conf file of server.And then we need to restart the server.(that i dont want to do.) can we let a running server know about these newly generated certificates. Is there anyother way to do this except to specify in conf file of server?


  • OK, I think you've miss understood how Certificate authentication works.

    There are 2 parts to it (Proving the broker is who it says it is and then proving who the client connecting is)

    Firstly the broker will have 1 certificate that identifies it to the world. You configure Mosquitto to use this certificate at startup and never need to change it (less it expires). This certificate will be signed by a CA.

    The sensors (clients) will have a copy of the CA cert which they will use when they connect to the broker to ensure it is who it claims to be.

    Secondly if you want to use client certificates to identify the separate sensors then they will each need a certificate as well. Normally this will be signed by the same CA as the Broker certificate so the broker can verify the clients are who they claim to be. Mosquitto can be set up to use the CN from the certificates (use_identity_as_username true) as the username for the connecting clients and then you can use the mosquitto_auth_plugin to keep track of the CN's in the certificates and apply ACLs to control who can use what topics.

    As for creating certificates in java I suggest you look at this question

    There is no need to restart Mosquitto when you issue a new cert.