I am looking for these little document icons (not only for Python) inside of TextMate 2.
I looked in the Bundles folder of TextMate, but I couldn't find them. I really would like to use these icons as document icons in Finder. Does anybody knows where they are located?
https://github.com/textmate/textmate/blob/master/Frameworks/OakAppKit/icons/python.icns is the source of this icon.
Other icons are below, uncovered in the search.
TextMate.app/Contents/Resources/ is where textmate store's it's icons (version 1.5 and 2 both use the same folder).
/usr/local/Cellar/python/2.7.10_2/Python Launcher.app/Contents/Resources/PythonSource.icns is where some other Python icons come from. Note: your version is unlikely to match my version, so replace 2.7.10_2 with the version available on your system.