So, i was doing a link to download an image from a data url(a LARGE one):
<a download='fileName' href="...">something</a>
However, whenever i try to click in that link i receive an error telling me some net problems.
I have make a fiddle test, but its LARGE(15mb of text) and it will take sometime to load:
As the jsfiddle is hard to load, i added a file in mediafire:
The test is an image with the same data url value as the link, the image is visible, however i see that the option to open image in a new tab on chrome isn't working.
I do it with canvas in ie 11 and is failing too
It is ever possible to make it work with the download link as it is now?
Is there a limit size with the data url to download a file, which is?
How do i do to make the user able to download that image?
Also, ask questions here, or correct any error in the text you see if you think its not understandable.
I have a 70Mb broadband and a powerhouse of a PC and that JS fiddle won't even open.
I don't think it's feasible to have a 15MB encoded string, since that has to be downloaded onto the page each time on every visit. I would try the following:
In response to your questions
The limit:
Length limitations
Although Mozilla supports data URIs of essentially unlimited length, browsers are not required to support any particular maximum length of data. For example, the Opera 11 browser limits data URIs to around 65000 characters.
Source: data URIs - MDN
The above suggestion on optimising the image as small as you can get without losing quality if that's a concern. Try it then. If not, it's not a problem to give the user a link to the image / display it on the page. The user can right click and save.
By the time I finished writing this response JSFiddle timed out.