
Too many elements for Tuple: 27, allowed: 22

I am new to Slick and using Slick 3.1.1. My table looks like

import java.sql.{Blob, Timestamp}

import slick.collection.heterogeneous.HNil

import slick.driver.MySQLDriver.api._

case class AnomalyC(id: Int, serviceName: String, serviceId: String, timeUpdated: Timestamp, timestamp: Timestamp, anomalyCategoryId: Int,
                    userGroup:Int, riskValue: Float, activityTypeId: Int, destinationHost: String, userName: String, tenantId: Int, information:Blob, timeCreated: Timestamp, userId: Int, anomalyType:Int, anomalyValue:String, measure:Int,
                    userAction:Int, uniqueIdentifier:Int, similarCount:Int, trainingValue:String, state: Int, riskLevel:Int, userRiskLevel:Int,
                    userRiskScore: Float, response:Int)
class Anomaly(tag:Tag) extends Table[AnomalyC](tag, "Anomaly") {
  def id = column[Int]("id")
  def serviceName = column[String]("ServiceName")
  def serviceId = column[Int]("ServiceId")
  def timeUpdated = column[Timestamp]("TimeUpdated")
  def timestamp = column[Timestamp]("Timestamp")
  def anomalyCategoryId = column[Int]("AnomalyCategoryId")
  def userGroup = column[Int]("UserGroup")
  def riskValue = column[Float]("RiskValue")
  def activityTypeId = column[Int]("ActivityTypeId")
  def destinationHost = column[String]("DestinationHost")
  def userName = column[String]("UserName")
  def tenantId = column[Int]("TenantId")
  def information = column[Blob]("Information")
  def timeCreated = column[Timestamp]("TimeCreated")
  def userId = column[Int]("UserId")
  def anomalyType = column[Int]("AnomalyType")
  def anomalyValue = column[String]("AnomalyValue")
  def measure = column[Int]("Measure")
  def userAction = column[Int]("UserAction")
  def uniqueIdentifier = column[String]("UniqueIdentifier")
  def similarCount = column[Int]("SimilarCount")
  def trainingValue = column[String]("TrainingValue")
  def state = column[Int]("State")
  def riskLevel = column[Int]("RiskLevel")
  def userRiskLevel = column[Int]("UserRiskLevel")
  def userRiskScore = column[Float]("UserRiskScore")
  def response = column[Int]("Response")

  def * = (id, serviceName, serviceId, timeUpdated, timestamp, anomalyCategoryId, userGroup,
    riskValue, activityTypeId, destinationHost, userName, tenantId, information, timeCreated, userId, anomalyType, anomalyValue,
    measure, userAction, uniqueIdentifier, similarCount, trainingValue, state, riskLevel, userRiskLevel, userRiskScore, response)


When I run this, I get error as

Error:(57, 11) too many elements for tuple: 27, allowed: 22
  def * = (id, serviceName, serviceId, timeUpdated, timestamp, anomalyCategoryId, userGroup,

What do I do?


  • As per answer from @insan-e, I re-wrote this and this works as well. I like this approach better however I do not understand the code in it's entirety

    import java.sql.{Blob, Timestamp}
    import slick.driver.MySQLDriver.api._
    case class Anomaly1(id:Int, serviceName:String, serviceId: Int, timeUpdated: Timestamp, timeStamp: Timestamp,
                        anomalyCategoryId: Int, userGroup: Int, riskValue: Float, activityTypeId: Int, destinationHost: String, userName: String)
    case class Anomaly2(tenantId: Int, information:Blob, timeCreated: Timestamp, userId: Int, anomalyType:Int, anomalyValue: String, measure: Int, userAction: Int,
                       uniqueIdentifier: String, similarCount: Int, trainingValue: String, state: Int, riskLevel: Int,
                        userRiskLevel: Int, userRiskScore: Float, response: Int)
    case class AnomalyRow(anomaly1: Anomaly1, anomaly2: Anomaly2)
    class Anomaly(tag:Tag) extends Table[AnomalyRow](tag, "Anomaly") {
      def id = column[Int]("id")
      def serviceName = column[String]("ServiceName")
      def serviceId = column[Int]("ServiceId")
      def timeUpdated = column[Timestamp]("TimeUpdated")
      def timestamp = column[Timestamp]("Timestamp")
      def anomalyCategoryId = column[Int]("AnomalyCategoryId")
      def userGroup = column[Int]("UserGroup")
      def riskValue = column[Float]("RiskValue")
      def activityTypeId = column[Int]("ActivityTypeId")
      def destinationHost = column[String]("DestinationHost")
      def userName = column[String]("UserName")
      def tenantId = column[Int]("TenantId")
      def information = column[Blob]("Information")
      def timeCreated = column[Timestamp]("TimeCreated")
      def userId = column[Int]("UserId")
      def anomalyType = column[Int]("AnomalyType")
      def anomalyValue = column[String]("AnomalyValue")
      def measure = column[Int]("Measure")
      def userAction = column[Int]("UserAction")
      def uniqueIdentifier = column[String]("UniqueIdentifier")
      def similarCount = column[Int]("SimilarCount")
      def trainingValue = column[String]("TrainingValue")
      def state = column[Int]("State")
      def riskLevel = column[Int]("RiskLevel")
      def userRiskLevel = column[Int]("UserRiskLevel")
      def userRiskScore = column[Float]("UserRiskScore")
      def response = column[Int]("Response")
      private type Anomaly1TupleType = (Int, String, Int, Timestamp, Timestamp, Int, Int, Float, Int, String, String)
      private type Anomaly2TupleType = (Int, Blob, Timestamp, Int, Int, String, Int, Int, String, Int, String, Int, Int, Int, Float, Int)
      private type AnomalyRowTupleType = (Anomaly1TupleType, Anomaly2TupleType)
      private val anomalyShapedValue = (
        (id, serviceName, serviceId, timeUpdated, timestamp, anomalyCategoryId, userGroup, riskValue, activityTypeId, destinationHost, userName),
        (tenantId, information, timeCreated, userId, anomalyType, anomalyValue, measure, userAction, uniqueIdentifier, similarCount, trainingValue, state, riskLevel, userRiskLevel, userRiskScore, response)
      private val toAnomalyRow: (AnomalyRowTupleType => AnomalyRow) = { anomalyTuple =>
        AnomalyRow(anomaly1 = Anomaly1.tupled.apply(anomalyTuple._1), anomaly2 = Anomaly2.tupled.apply(anomalyTuple._2))
      private val toAnomalyTuple: (AnomalyRow => Option[AnomalyRowTupleType]) = { anomalyRow =>
        Some(Anomaly1.unapply(anomalyRow.anomaly1).get, Anomaly2.unapply(anomalyRow.anomaly2).get)
      def * = anomalyShapedValue <> (toAnomalyRow, toAnomalyTuple)