Card-IO is showing a picture of the CC on the confirmation screen

In Android, I am starting the latest version of a Card-IO activity using the following code:

Intent scanIntent = new Intent(getApplicationContext(), CardIOActivity.class);

scanIntent.putExtra(CardIOActivity.EXTRA_REQUIRE_EXPIRY, true); // default: false scanIntent.putExtra(CardIOActivity.EXTRA_SCAN_EXPIRY, true); // scanIntent.putExtra(CardIOActivity.EXTRA_REQUIRE_CVV, true); // default: false scanIntent.putExtra(CardIOActivity.EXTRA_REQUIRE_POSTAL_CODE, false); // default: false scanIntent.putExtra(CardIOActivity.EXTRA_HIDE_CARDIO_LOGO, true); scanIntent.putExtra(CardIOActivity.EXTRA_USE_PAYPAL_ACTIONBAR_ICON, false); // scanIntent.putExtra(CardIOActivity.EXTRA_SUPPRESS_CONFIRMATION, true); // scanIntent.putExtra(CardIOActivity.EXTRA_HIDE_CARDIO_LOGO, true); scanIntent.putExtra(CardIOActivity.EXTRA_SUPPRESS_MANUAL_ENTRY, false); scanIntent.putExtra(CardIOActivity.EXTRA_RETURN_CARD_IMAGE, false); scanIntent.putExtra(CardIOActivity.EXTRA_CAPTURED_CARD_IMAGE, false);

startActivityForResult(scanIntent, 1);

I'm doing everything I can to not show the card image AND capture the expiry date manually as well, but not matter which properties i use, I can't suppress the card image from showing without setting EXTRA_SUPPRESS_CONFIRMATION to false... which, since it suppress confirmation altogether, breaks the keyboard button. Any help would be greatly appreciated


  • There is no flag for not displaying captured image in ImageView its done internally.

    Only way to do this is build library from directly after editing file at lines 141-152.

    How to compile the source code is mentioned in its description.