Good Morning, I'm trying to use TinyOS for a WSN. I'm using the app folder where there are: - BaseStation - BaseStation 15.4 - test/TestSerial
but for all app when i do "make iris" it generate the error:
In component
HplAtm128UartC': ../../tos/chips/atm128/ cannot find
HplUart0Config' ../../tos/chips/atm128/ cannot find `HplUart1Config' make: *** [exe] Error 1
How can I fix that?
I resolve it by reinstall all of component. But when I try to use this tutorial: Mote-PC tutorial I have this problem:
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: TestSerialMsg
or the same error when I apply on the BlinkToRadio:
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: BlinkToRadioMsg
How can i Solve this?