
Finding Types that implement specific Methods using CQL

I'm refining the built in dead code query in NDEpend and I'm finding a lot of false positives from standalone programs (i.e. w/ Main() entrypoints).

I noticed that the built in unused types query has this clause:

 !NameIs "Program" AND // Generally, types named Program 
                       // contain a Main() entry-point 
                       // method and this condition avoid 
                       // to consider such type as 
                       // unused code.

Is it impossible to write something like

HasMethodNamed "Main"

instead? That's what I'd really like to select for.


  • Yes, you can complete your CQL rule with a HasMethodNamed "Main".

    For that:

    1. Convert your CQL rule to a CQLinq rule
    2. add the CQLinq where clause && t.Methods.Where(m => m.SimpleName == "Main").Any()