
Automatically kill session of some specific task

In some report generation we are facing deadlock problem in SQL Server, so what I can do is

select * 
from sys.sysprocesses 
where dbid = db_id() 
  and spid <> @@SPID 
  and blocked <> 0  
  and lastwaittype LIKE 'LCK%'

dbcc inputbuffer (SPID from above query result)

dbcc inputbuffer (blocked from above query result)

If EventInfo column contains 'mytext', I want to terminate that section by

Kill 53  

53 is no of SPID or blocked where I see specific text whose connection I want to kill

I want to automate this process whenever deadlock create and the specific word is found kill those session. without users interval or action.


  • Sometimes I use this old query to get rid of sessions with specific description:

    declare @t table (sesid int)
    --Here we put all sessionid's with specific description into temp table
    insert into @t 
    select spid
    from sys.sysprocesses 
    where dbid = db_id() 
      and spid <> @@SPID 
      and blocked <> 0  
      and lastwaittype LIKE 'LCK%'
    DECLARE @n int,
            @i int= 0,
            @s int,
            @kill nvarchar(20)= 'kill ',
            @sql nvarchar (255)
    SELECT @n = COUNT(*) FROM @t
    --Here we execute `kill` for every sessionid from @t in while loop
    WHILE @i < @n
        SELECT TOP 1 @s = sesid from @t
        SET @sql = @kill + cast(@s as nvarchar(10))
        --select @sql
        EXECUTE sp_executesql @sql
        delete from @t where sesid = @s
        SET @i = @i + 1