
About "gsheet" package in R

I have some questions about gsheet package, version 0.2.1. Here is my code in shiny.

urlA <- "https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1lVVGg2iRLtOaizrkaJHtPCyEnQiKAnJPyNj1kSSPXvY/edit?usp=sharing"
p_A <- gsheet2tbl(urlA)

Error message:

Error in gsheet2text(url, format = "csv") : 
  Unable to retrieve document. Is 'share by link' enabled for this sheet?

The URL is my google spreadsheet. I can not resolve this question. What can I do? There are no problem in the past.


  • I'm the author of this package and I just fixed this issue. Install the latest version from github:


    This new version should be available on CRAN soon, as well.

    The issue was generated because google changed their url format.
    Tell me if there's anything else I can do to help.