
React Motion CSS transform from center

I am using react-motion for CSS transfrom in react. this bellow code scales my desired output from top left corner.

<Motion defaultStyle={{ x: 0 }} style={{ x: spring(360) }}>
    {(value) => {
        return (
                    width: value.x,
                    height: value.x,
                    animation: `scale 5s infinite`,
                    transform: `scale(1,1)`,
                {" "}
                <this.ComponentName post={post} view={view} />

How can i make it scale from center?


  • I have come to a solution. It can be done with a few changes but a tricky one.

    <Motion defaultStyle={{ x: 0 }} style={{ x: spring(1) }} >
    {value => {return <div style={{
      animation: `scale 5s infinite`,
      transform: `scale(${value.x})`,
    > <this.ComponentName post={post} view={view}/></div>}}