
Eclipse Californium CoAP wildcard as url path

I'm working on a CoAP app using Eclipse Californium that will declare explicitly only the root resource path, and the rest of the resources should be served and resolved through a wildcard /root/* just like on REST APIs or servlets.

Is there any way to achieve that ?


  • Ok I managed to do it.

    So after a few hours of digging on their Source code here is what ended up doing.

    Note that it works but it's only to show how it could be done, it's still a work on progress (I did this in 3h) as I removed some code like observer etc..

    As soon as I have some time, I'll digg onto the Californium Api more and make this generic and optimized I'll create a Github project and link it here.

    1 : Create a model class

    public class ProxyRes {
        public  CoapResource coapRes;
        public  String  path;
        public ProxyRes () {
        public CoapResource getCoapRes () {
            return coapRes;
        public void setCoapRes (CoapResource coapRes) {
            this.coapRes = coapRes;
        public String getPath () {
            return path;
        public void setPath (String path) {
            this.path = path;

    2 : Create an abstract CoapResource that should inject the Wildcards list

    public abstract class AbstractResource extends CoapResource {
        private LinkedList<String> wildcards;
        protected AbstractResource (String name) {
            super (name);
        protected AbstractResource (String name, boolean visible) {
            super (name, visible);
        public LinkedList<String> getWildcards () {
            return wildcards;
        public void setWildcards (LinkedList<String> wildcards) {
            this.wildcards = wildcards;

    3 : Create a Temperature Resource extending AbstractResource

    public class TemperatureResource extends AbstractResource {
        public TemperatureResource () {
            super (ResourceSpecs.House.Sensors.Temperature);
            getAttributes ().setTitle ("Temperature resource !");
        public void handleGET (CoapExchange exchange) {
            String response = "The temperature";
            if (getWildcard () != null) {
                response += " of the " + getWildcard ().get (0) + " on the " + getWildcard ().get (1);
            response += " is : 25 degree C";
            exchange.respond (response);

    4 : Create a resources directory on the root of my eclipse project, with json conf files of my resources

        "verb": "get",
        "endpoint": "/houses/*/rooms/*/sensors/temperature",
        "class": "com.wild.coap.resources.TemperatureResource"

    5 : Create a Resources Loader (class that will load the specs definition of the resources and instantiate them independently instead of creating a Tree on the server)

    public class ResourcesLoader {
        private final static String Path = new File (".").getAbsolutePath () + File.separator + "resources";
        private List<ProxyRes>  resourcesList;
        public ResourcesLoader () throws Exception {
            resourcesList   = new ArrayList<ProxyRes> ();
            File resources  = new File (Path);
            for (String resName : resources.list ()) {
                File resFile    = new File (resources, resName);
                InputStream is  = new FileInputStream (resFile);
                JsonObject o    = new JsonObject (is);
                resourcesArr.add (o);
                resourcesList.add (buildObject (o));
        private ProxyRes buildObject (JsonObject o) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException {
            ProxyRes r = new ProxyRes ();
            r.setPath (o.getString ("endpoint"));
            Class<?> clazz  = Class.forName (o.getString ("class"));
            CoapResource coapRes = (CoapResource)clazz.newInstance ();
            r.setCoapRes (coapRes);
            return r;
        public List<ProxyRes> getResourcesList () {
            return resourcesList;

    6 : Create a Custom MessageDelieverer

    public class DynamicMessageDeliverer implements MessageDeliverer {
        private final List<ProxyRes>    resources;
        public DynamicMessageDeliverer (List<ProxyRes> resources) {
            this.resources  = resources;
        public void deliverRequest (final Exchange exchange) {
            Request request         = exchange.getRequest ();
            List<String> path       = request.getOptions ().getUriPath ();
            final Resource resource = registerResources (path);     
            if (resource != null) {
                executeResource (exchange, resource);           
            } else {
                exchange.sendResponse (new Response (ResponseCode.NOT_FOUND));
                throw new RuntimeException ("Did not find resource " + path.toString() + " requested by " + request.getSource()+":"+request.getSourcePort());
        private void executeResource (final Exchange exchange, final Resource resource) {
            // Get the executor and let it process the request
            Executor executor = resource.getExecutor ();
            if (executor != null) {
                exchange.setCustomExecutor ();
                executor.execute (new Runnable () {
                    public void run () {
                        resource.handleRequest (exchange);
            } else {
                resource.handleRequest (exchange);
        private Resource registerResources (List<String> list) {
            LinkedList<String> path         = new LinkedList<String> (list);
            String flatRequestedEndpoint    = Arrays.toString (path.toArray ());
            LinkedList<String> wildcards    = new LinkedList <String> ();
            ProxyRes retainedResource       = null;
            for (ProxyRes proxyRes : resources) {
                String[] res = proxyRes.getPath ().replaceFirst ("/", "").split ("/");
                int length = res.length;
                if (length != path.size ()) {
                String flatResEndpoint = Arrays.toString (res);
                if (flatResEndpoint.equals (flatRequestedEndpoint)) {
                    retainedResource = proxyRes;
                boolean match = true;
                for (int i = 0; i < length; i ++) {
                    String str = res[i];
                    if (str.equals ("*")) {
                        wildcards.add (path.get (i));
                    if (!str.equals (path.get (i))) {
                        match = false;
                if (!match) {
                    wildcards.clear ();
                retainedResource = proxyRes;
            if (retainedResource == null) {
                return null;
            ((AbstractResource)retainedResource.getCoapRes ()).setWildcard (wildcards);
            return retainedResource.getCoapRes ();
        public void deliverResponse (Exchange exchange, Response response) {
            if (response == null) throw new NullPointerException();
            if (exchange == null) throw new NullPointerException();
            if (exchange.getRequest() == null) throw new NullPointerException();
            Request request         = exchange.getRequest ();
            List<String> path       = request.getOptions ().getUriPath ();
            System.out.println ("Path retrieved : " + Arrays.toString (path.toArray ()));

    7 : Create the Server

    public class WildCoapServer extends CoapServer {
        private static final int COAP_PORT = NetworkConfig.getStandard  ().getInt  (NetworkConfig.Keys.COAP_PORT);
        public WildCoapServer () throws Exception {
            // add endpoints on all IP addresses
            addEndpoints ();
            ResourcesLoader resLoader   = new ResourcesLoader ();
            List<ProxyRes> resources    = resLoader.getResourcesList ();
            setMessageDeliverer (new DynamicMessageDeliverer (resources));
        protected Resource createRoot () {
            return new WildRootResource ();
        // Add individual endpoints listening on default CoAP port on all IPv4 addresses of all network interfaces.
        private void addEndpoints () {
            for (InetAddress addr : EndpointManager.getEndpointManager ().getNetworkInterfaces ()) {
                // only binds to IPv4 addresses and localhost
                if (addr instanceof Inet4Address || addr.isLoopbackAddress ()) {
                    InetSocketAddress bindToAddress = new InetSocketAddress (addr, COAP_PORT);
                    addEndpoint (new CoapEndpoint (bindToAddress));

    8 : Start the server

    public class Main {
        public static void main (String[] args) {
            try {
                WildCoapServer server = new WildCoapServer ();
                server.start ();
            } catch  (Exception e) {
                throw new RuntimeException (e.getMessage (), e);

    9 : Consume the Temperature resource from a client

    public class Client {
        public static void main  (String[] args) {
            URI uri = null;
            try {
                uri = new URI ("coap://");
            } catch  (URISyntaxException e) {
                throw new RuntimeException (e.getMessage (), e);
            CoapClient client       = new CoapClient (uri);
            CoapResponse response   = client.get ();
            if (response != null) {
                System.out.println (response.getCode ());
                System.out.println (response.getOptions ());
                System.out.println (response.getResponseText ());
                System.out.println ("\nADVANCED\n");
                // access advanced API with access to more details through .advanced ()
                System.out.println (Utils.prettyPrint (response));
            } else {
                System.out.println ("No response received.");

    Hope that helps someone.