Is it possible to have a Protocol require that an enum be defined?
//trying to do this
protocol JSONEncodable {
enum PropertyName // Type not allowed here
func valueForProperty(propertyName:PropertyName) -> Any
//which would be implemented like this
struct Person : JSONEncodable {
var firstName : String
var lastName : String
enum PropertyName {
case FirstName
case LastName
func allValues() {
return [Person.PropertyName.FirstName, Person.PropertyName.LastName]
func stringValue() {
return "\(self)"
func valueForProperty(propertyName:PropertyName) -> Any {
switch propertyName {
case .FirstName:
return firstName
case .LastName:
return lastName
//so that I could do something like this
extension JSONEncodable {
func JSONObject() -> [String:AnyObject] {
var dictionary = [String:AnyObject]()
for propertyName in PropertyName.allValues {
let value = valueForProperty(propertyName)
if let valueObject = value as? AnyObject {
dictionary[propertyName.stringValue()] = valueObject
}else if let valueObject = value as? JSONEncodable {
dictionary[propertyName.stringValue()] = valueObject.JSONObject()
return dictionary
Protocols can have associatedtypes
which would just need to be adhered to in any subclass:
enum MyEnum: String {
case foo
case bar
protocol RequiresEnum {
associatedtype SomeEnumType: RawRepresentable where SomeEnumType.RawValue: StringProtocol
func doSomethingWithEnum(someEnumType: SomeEnumType)
class MyRequiresEnum: RequiresEnum {
typealias SomeEnumType = MyEnum
func doSomethingWithEnum(someEnumType: SomeEnumType) {
switch someEnumType {
case .foo:
case .bar:
let mre = MyRequiresEnum()
mre.doSomethingWithEnum(someEnumType: .bar)
Edit: The associatedtype
must be adhered to