
How to chain Facebook pop Animations in a continuous repeatForever?


I have created a pulsating animation and it works.

Using the repeatForever property, I was able to make it continuous as I wanted.

But one issue remains that I wasn't able to fix after doing A LOT of research.


The only problem is that I don't know how to add one more animation that makes the Image go back to it's original size before pulsating again.

The challenge for me resides in the fact that if I declare it after the other one, it will not be called as it will not be included in the repeatForeverloop.

Therefore, the animation I have right now is not smooth as once it completes, the image instantly goes back to it's original size before repeating itself.


1) Image pulsates to 1.2 of current size thx to animation.


2) Animation finishes at 1.2 and Image instantly "warps" back to 1.0

3) Animation repeats itself. Image pulsates to 1.2 again.

PROBLEM: How can I change my pulsatingAnimation so that my image goes back to it's original size in a smooth way before pulsating again ?


import Foundation
import pop

class AnimationEngine {

    func pulsate(object: UIImageView) {
        let pulsateAnim = POPSpringAnimation(propertyNamed: kPOPLayerScaleXY)
        pulsateAnim.velocity = NSValue(CGSize: CGSizeMake(0.1, 0.1))
        pulsateAnim.toValue = NSValue(CGSize: CGSizeMake(1.2, 1.2))
        pulsateAnim.springBounciness = 18
        pulsateAnim.dynamicsFriction = 20
        pulsateAnim.springSpeed = 1.0
        pulsateAnim.repeatForever = true
        // pulsateAnim.autoreverses = true
        object.layer.pop_addAnimation(pulsateAnim, forKey: "layerScaleSpringAnimation")


  • I found the Solution.


    func pulsate(object: UIImageView) {
        let pulsateAnim = POPSpringAnimation(propertyNamed: kPOPLayerScaleXY)
        let returnToSizeAnim = POPBasicAnimation(propertyNamed: kPOPLayerScaleXY)
        object.layer.pop_addAnimation(pulsateAnim, forKey: "layerScaleSpringAnimation")
        pulsateAnim.velocity = NSValue(CGSize: CGSizeMake(0.1, 0.1))
        pulsateAnim.toValue = NSValue(CGSize: CGSizeMake(1.2, 1.2))
        pulsateAnim.springBounciness = 30
        pulsateAnim.dynamicsFriction = 20
        pulsateAnim.springSpeed = 1.0
        pulsateAnim.completionBlock = {(animation, finished) in
            object.layer.pop_addAnimation(returnToSizeAnim, forKey: "layerScaleSpringAnimation")
        returnToSizeAnim.toValue = NSValue(CGSize: CGSizeMake(1.0, 1.0))
        returnToSizeAnim.duration = 0.5
        returnToSizeAnim.completionBlock = {(animation, finished) in
            object.layer.pop_addAnimation(pulsateAnim, forKey: "layerScaleSpringAnimation")
    func pulsate2(object: UIImageView) {
        let pulsateAnim = POPSpringAnimation(propertyNamed: kPOPLayerScaleXY)
        let returnToSizeAnim = POPBasicAnimation(propertyNamed: kPOPLayerScaleXY)
        object.layer.pop_addAnimation(pulsateAnim, forKey: "layerScaleSpringAnimation")
        pulsateAnim.velocity = NSValue(CGSize: CGSizeMake(0.1, 0.1))
        pulsateAnim.toValue = NSValue(CGSize: CGSizeMake(1.2, 1.2))
        pulsateAnim.springBounciness = 30
        pulsateAnim.dynamicsFriction = 20
        pulsateAnim.springSpeed = 1.0
        pulsateAnim.completionBlock = {(animation, finished) in
            object.layer.pop_addAnimation(returnToSizeAnim, forKey: "layerScaleSpringAnimation")
        returnToSizeAnim.toValue = NSValue(CGSize: CGSizeMake(1.0, 1.0))
        returnToSizeAnim.duration = 0.5
        returnToSizeAnim.completionBlock = {(animation, finished) in
            object.layer.pop_addAnimation(pulsateAnim, forKey: "layerScaleSpringAnimation")


    I need to declare one pulsate function for each object I want to use it on. If I don't do that, the second time I call the function, it won't work properly because an instance of the animations is already running.