
Typo3 multidomain: Change 1 of the domains to wordpress

I have a Typo3 installation with 2 domains: www.example.de and intranet.example.de

The www.example.de website should be built up in wordpress (new) but the intranet.example.de should remain as it is (typo3).

Is it possible to change the root path of the domain www.example.de to the new wordpress path and the other domain intranet.example.de still works without any problems?

Or do I have to consider more and change more settings (in typo3)?

(Version: TYPO3 4.7)

Thanks in advance!


  • Yes, assuming you have TYPO3 and Wordpress running under different folders on the same server, you can just configure 2 different VHOST files for each domain respectively. No need to change anything in TYPO3 configuration, this is pure server configuration (apache, nginx or whatever you are running).