If I have a Windows server, is there any possibility I can redirect my index.html to root:
www.example.com/index.html -> www.example.com
http://example.com/index.html -> http://example.com
The hosting which I am currently using is not Apache, I am using a Windows server.
Yet another edit:
Meta Refresh Tag
<meta http-equiv="refresh " content="0; url=www.example.com">
There are two other options we can try if the meta refresh tag just isn't working.
Set the default document. (Simpler)
Web.Config Settings:
<defaultDocument enabled="true">
<clear />
<add value="index.html" />
Details on setting up via web.config: Setting Default WebPage in IIS 7.5
OR set up via IIS UI (steps 1 through 8 in the HOW TO section): https://www.iis.net/configreference/system.webserver/defaultdocument
Create rewrite rules in IIS. (More difficult)
If we were using Apache, we would create/update the .htaccess file rules:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^index\.html$ / [R=301,L]
RewriteRule ^(.*)/index\.html$ /$1/ [R=301,L]
In IIS, we have to add these rewrite rules in a different way in the web.config. See the following links.
Steps for creating rewrite rules in web.config: IIS URL Rewrite and Web.config
Details on translating .htaccess content to IIS web.config: http://www.iis.net/learn/application-frameworks/install-and-configure-php-applications-on-iis/translate-htaccess-content-to-iis-webconfig
OR create Rewrite Rules in IIS UI: http://www.iis.net/learn/extensions/url-rewrite-module/creating-rewrite-rules-for-the-url-rewrite-module