
If ASP.NET 5 is being renamed ASP.NET Core 1.0, what is a new ASP.NET project targeting full .NET Framework?

The official docs say:

ASP.NET 5 is being renamed to ASP.NET Core 1.0

But what if I create a new ASP.NET 5 project in Visual Studio 2015 today in the the project.json only target the dnx451:

  "frameworks": {
    "dnx451": { },

Surely this is not considered an "ASP.NET Core 1.0 project"? It is still possible to create ASP.NET 5 projects that do not use .NET Core and surely that won't be removed?


  • The project templates have been split into full .NET (using the net461 target framework) and .NET Core (using the netcoreapp1.0 target framework).

    You can look at this question to see if both can be targeted at the same time.

    enter image description here