
TextMate won't find files in project folder

This was working before, but now whenever I use TextMate to find matches across all files in my project folder, it says searched 0 files.

Has anyone had this happen to them and what did you do to fix it?


  • Yes, this has happened to me. I've been able to fix it in an number of ways.

    Starting from the beginning;

    [Edit -> Find -> Find in Project] or [Command + Shift + F] is how you open the Find window with your project preselected.

    This should produce a window similar to this;

    Find in project window with project below

    Some important fields;

    Any of these could cause unexpectedly empty searches.

    However, this is pretty much day to day stuff, so once you've checked this there's a few more things to look at.

    TextMate will look in a few places for Find Window includes and excludes, so check in ~/.tm_properties and [Your Project]/.tm_properties for these excludes;

    From dvessel's tm_properties documentation

    These are all globs and perhaps a bit arcane. (Note that the glob syntax is documented in the built-in help system.)

    The file browser, if it has a file, checks that file against the first key with a value in this order: excludeFilesInBrowser, excludeInBrowser, excludeFiles, exclude. If neither match, it then does the same with include keys, and if one match, it is included.

    The default include key is * (so no hidden files, although see the default .tm_properties which include .htaccess and .tm_properties). The default exclude key is the empty string (nothing matches).

    The defaults for .tm_properties files are located here: TextMate.app/Contents/Resources/Default.tmProperties

    If worse comes to worse, you can reset TextMate to its defaults following this Stack thread