Only after using sudo python ./ --region us-east-1
on my Amazon Linux AMI, I found this tidbyte of Caution from AWS docs:
Do not update the CloudWatch Logs agent using the RPM installation method if you previously used the Python script to install the agent. Doing so may cause configuration issues that prevent the CloudWatch Logs agent from sending your logs to CloudWatch.
Now, how can I uninstall the python version to use the RPM installation?
There is a writeup about removing awslogs on CentOS, I guess you can apply this on Amazon Linux as well. I don't think there is an easier way than doing it manually.
Edited as the link above is not reachable:
These steps should be executed:
#Stop the awslogs service.
service awslogs stop
#Remove cloud watch related files.
rm -rf /var/awslogs
rm /etc/cron.d/awslogs*
rm /etc/init.d/awslogs
rm /var/log/awslogs*
rm -rf /home/ubuntu/
Then restart the server if required.
The CloudWatch logs agent should now be removed from the system. Ensure you log into the CloudWatch AWS Console to remove the log group: AWS Console -> CloudWatch -> Logs -> Select the Log Group and click on “Delete Log Group”.