Sorry if this is not directly related to the programming.
What is the proper (official spelling of the words "GIT HEAD" and "XCODE"?
I know the latter used to be spelled "XCode", but now it seems "Xcode" is used.
The reason for question is: I am doing a lot of postings on forums and I want to make everything right.
Xcode has always been “Xcode” with a capital “X” and a lower-case “c”. Here's the press release dated June 23, 2003 announcing the first release of Xcode. Here's a video of Steve Jobs introducing Xcode 1.0 at WWDC 2003, and at 59m10s it clearly says “Xcode” on the slide.
“Git”, when referring to the system, is a proper noun and is therefore, by English language convention, spelled “Git” with a capital “G”. Example sentence from the Git User Manual:
It will be useful to have a Git repository to experiment with as you read this manual.
The command-line program that provides access to the system is “git” with a lower-case “g”, because all-lowercase is the historic convention for Unix commands. If your filesystem is case-insensitive (which is the default on OS X), you can sometimes get away with capitalizing some or all of its letters, but it's a bad idea to make that a habit.
The currently-checked out commit in Git is spelled “HEAD” in all capitals, because that string is embedded in the git source code in many places. Example:
if (resolve_gitlink_ref(submodule, "HEAD", oid.hash) == 0)
You can sometimes get away with not capitalizing some or all of the letters if your filesystem is case-insensitive (which is the default on OS X), but it's a bad idea to make that a habit.