
How to capitalize Xcode, Git, git, and HEAD

Sorry if this is not directly related to the programming.

What is the proper (official spelling of the words "GIT HEAD" and "XCODE"?

I know the latter used to be spelled "XCode", but now it seems "Xcode" is used.

The reason for question is: I am doing a lot of postings on forums and I want to make everything right.


  • Xcode has always been “Xcode” with a capital “X” and a lower-case “c”. Here's the press release dated June 23, 2003 announcing the first release of Xcode. Here's a video of Steve Jobs introducing Xcode 1.0 at WWDC 2003, and at 59m10s it clearly says “Xcode” on the slide.

    “Git”, when referring to the system, is a proper noun and is therefore, by English language convention, spelled “Git” with a capital “G”. Example sentence from the Git User Manual:

    It will be useful to have a Git repository to experiment with as you read this manual.

    The command-line program that provides access to the system is “git” with a lower-case “g”, because all-lowercase is the historic convention for Unix commands. If your filesystem is case-insensitive (which is the default on OS X), you can sometimes get away with capitalizing some or all of its letters, but it's a bad idea to make that a habit.

    The currently-checked out commit in Git is spelled “HEAD” in all capitals, because that string is embedded in the git source code in many places. Example:

    if (resolve_gitlink_ref(submodule, "HEAD", oid.hash) == 0)

    You can sometimes get away with not capitalizing some or all of the letters if your filesystem is case-insensitive (which is the default on OS X), but it's a bad idea to make that a habit.