
Phase name collisions in custom lifecycles in Maven?

AFAIK, you can create a custom build lifecycle in maven.

Also, AFAIK, you cannot tell maven to execute a lifecycle. You can either:

  1. Tell maven to execute a phase: In this case, maven finds in which lifecycle this phase is, and then executes all phases in that lifecycle, up to the phase specified.

  2. Tell maven to execute a goal, by specifying it as mvn plugin_name:goal_name

So, assume that I have created a custom lifecycle. And assume that this custom lifecycle has a phase named install.

When I write mvn install, will maven execute the default lifecycle (which has a phase named install) or my custom lifecycle (which also has a phase named install)?

How will maven determine which lifecycle to follow?


  • This is not supported (yet), though recently Stephen started a thread about it: