
Cannot find js file of SignalR in ASP.NET 5

I'm making a small web application with ASP.NET 5 which implements SignalR. I've added SignalR nuget, everything works fine, but I cannot find js file of SignalR.

Here is my project images:

enter image description here

enter image description here

Am I missing any thing ?

Please help me. Thank you.


  • SignalR 2.* doesn't work very well with ASP.NET core due to it using OWIN. I had it working at some point with V2 but it was just not well integrated with how ASP.NET core is now coded (split up)

    If you are using RC1, I suggest using from ASP.NET Core "master" branch feed or if you are using RC2 try the Microsoft.AspNetCore.SignalR.Server : 0.1.0-rc2-* package from the aspnetcirelease feed