
How to code read buffer scsi command?

I used libaums to access private partition of my custom USB. Now I want to know how to read the Hidden area of my USB. To access the hidden area, I know the sector range of hidden address for my USB, and also the vendor specific command (or opcode) for read and write hidden area.

So far I read scsi command and found out about Read Buffer Command has Vendor-specific mode(01h). Does anybody know how to code the read buffer command? Thanks


  • ScsiReadHidden readHidden = new ScsiReadHidden();
    readHidden.serialize();//produce an array which is readHidden.cbwBuffer.array()
    int iRes = conn.bulkTransfer(epOUT, readHidden.cbwBuffer.array(), 31, 2000);
    iRes = conn.bulkTransfer(epIN, readHidden.cswBuffer, 512, 2000);