
Symfony 1.4 order a widgets data

I have a sfWidgetFormDoctrineChoiceMany widget, I was wondering if there was a way to order the data inside it in ascending order

  'locations_list'  => new sfWidgetFormDoctrineChoiceMany(array('model' => 'Location')),


  • To set ordering on sfWidgetFormDoctrineChoiceMany (and sfWidgetFormDoctrineChoice too) you should provide a order_by option. Like this:

    // ...
    'locations_list' => new sfWidgetFormDoctrineChoiceMany(array(
        'model'    => 'Location',
        'order_by' => array('Name', 'asc'), // <--- replace 'Name' with your column name in camel-case format
    // ...

    When I need to get a quick reference on widget supported options, I always go to it's source. Usually they have a nice documentation right in PHP comments. Check this link to sfWidgetFormDoctrineChoice source: