I have an array of country objects and trying to display a dropdown using Angular chosen
Angular chosen does not support ng-repeat for the options tag, instead it only supports ngOptions.
My ngOptions syntax is as follows
<select chosen class="form-control input-lg" name="countryDropdown" id="countryDropdown"
ng-options="option.name+option.d_code for option in loginCtrl.countryData track by option.code"
I want to display both the country name and code i.e India IN but it displays without a space between them i.e. INDIA+91,
How do I add a space between the name and the code?
Sample country object:
name: India,
d_code: +91,
code: IN
just add the space in the string
ng-options="option.name+' '+option.d_code for option in loginCtrl.countryData track by option.code"