
Encog - Training a neural network with Cross-validation methods and validating the training

I would like to stop training a network once I see the error calculated from the validation set starts to increase. I'm using a BasicNetwork with RPROP as the training algorithm, and I have the following training iteration:

void trainCrossValidation(BasicNetwork network, MLDataSet training, MLDataSet validation) {

    FoldedDataSet folded = new FoldedDataSet(training);
    Train train = new ResilientPropagation(network, folded);
    CrossValidationKFold trainFolded = new CrossValidationKFold(train, KFOLDS);       
    trainFolded.addStrategy(new SimpleEarlyStoppingStrategy(validation));

    int epoch = 1;
    do {
        logger.debug("Iter. " + epoch + ": Erro = " + trainFolded.getError());
    } while (!trainFolded.isTrainingDone() && epoch < MAX_ITERATIONS);


Unfortunately it is not working as expected. The method takes a huge time to execute and seems not to stop at the right moment. I wish the training be aborted at the exactly instant that the validation error begins to grow, that is, in the ideal amount of training iterations.

Is there a way that extract the validation data directly from a cross-validation folded instead of creating an another MLDataSet exclusively for validation? If yes, how to do this?

Which parameter should I use to stop the training? Can you show me the necessary modifications to do what is expected? How could I use cross-validation and SimpleEarlyStoppingStrategy together? I'm pretty confused

Thank you so much for any assistance.


  • I think there are a couple of confusion points there.

    Hope it helps you a bit :)