
Record all conference legs in FreeSWITCH

I’m trying to record phone conferences, so that later on their audio can be reviewed. The requirement is to record each leg in a seperate file. After doing some googling, one way of doing it, is by using record_session and setting RECORD_STEREO to true. That will result in caller and receiver audio streams being placed in separate channels.

I am using this code in the dialplan before the bridge app:

<action application="set" data="RECORD_STEREO=true"/>
<action application="record_session" data="$${base_dir}/recordings/${strftime(%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S)}_$1_${caller_id_number}.wav"/>

The problem is I could not split the channels to get the individual streams and I have all the streams in all the recorded files.

Any idea how I can fix this little issue.

Thank you for your suggestions.


  • You don't really need to use RECORD_STEREORECORD_WRITE_ONLY will do it.

    <action application="set" data="RECORD_WRITE_ONLY=true"/>
    <action application="record_session" data="/opt/freeswitch/recordings/archive/${strftime(%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S)}_${destination_number}_${caller_id_number}_write.wav"/>

    That way you'll have a separate file for each person that enters the conference.