I just started to make a Twitter Api. Normally I don't have a Twitter account, for this api I created one. I Tweeted 4 times, including some mentions. But when I use mentions_timeline
like this;
my_mentions = api.mentions_timeline()
#output: []
After then I do a for loop on my_mentions with parameters text
, screen_name
but nothing returned.
What I'm doing wrong here? Why it's an empty list since I mentioned some people in the tweets + how can I search mentions for another user? Is there a parameter in mentions_timeline()
object like screen_name
or id
Try using the new Cursor Object as follows:
api = tweepy.API(auth)
for mentions in tweepy.Cursor(api.mentions_timeline).items():
# process mentions here
print mentions.text
as per Twitters documentation here
Returns the 20 most recent mentions (tweets containing a users’s @screen_name) for the authenticating user.
so you cannot check other users mentions using this method. To achieve this, you will have to uses twitters search api. for tweepy's documentation check here