
How to keep changesets in phase “draft” on hg push?

How can I hinder mercurial from putting changesets to phase “public” on push operations? I want them to stay “draft”.

I rebase and histedit a lot, and the repository I push to is for me only. And having to change the phase all the time is a nuisance.


  • What the documentation does not clearly reveal is:

    The phase-change on push is not a purely local decision. – After “uploading” the changesets, the client asks the server for updates regarding the phases of the commits, and the server is usually telling that they are now “public”.

    Thus, the .hgrc-snippet

    publish = False

    has to be put on the server, which inhibits the usual phase-change there. The server will then report the phases back the same way they were pushed.

    Bitbucket has an option for this under Settings → Repository details → Phases.