I was wondering whether Grape Entity would work for rendering arrays of hashes, I thought I remebered it worked but somehow I cannot get it to work right now, am I doing some obvious mistake? Here's my Entity:
class V1::Entities::Searchresult < Grape::Entity
expose :_type, as: :type
expose :_id, as: :id
expose :_score, as: :score
expose :highlight
In my API I call the rendering like this:
present result['hits']['hits'], with: V1::Entities::Searchresult, :params => params
The 'result['hits']['hits']' is filled with 10 hashes that contain the data. The data is present. However when I look at the result I get:
"type": null,
"id": null,
"score": null,
"highlight": null
"type": null,
"id": null,
"score": null,
"highlight": null
Am I doing something wrong, or is this simply not possible. I can't seem to dig up any documentation on the array toppic.
I found the error, Grape::Entity::Delegator::HashObject fails to work with hashes that have string keys and not symbols. It cannot extract the values.
data = []
result['hits']['hits'].each do |item|
data << item.symbolize_keys
present data, with: V1::Entities::Searchresult, :params => params
This workaround ommits the problem. I will also open a github Issue for a fix since a simple
object[attribute] || object[attribute.to_s]
would solve the whole problem instead of only using
to read the attribute.