
how to use adapter.js of webRTC-adapter?

I am writing a WebRTC application and have the following problem:

I want to use the adapter.js library.

I have the following index.html:

     <script src='../out/adapter.js'></script>
     <script src='../out/main.js'></script>
    <video id="localVideo" width='500' autoplay></video> 

and my main.js looks like:

var adapter=require('webrtc-adapter');
var localVideo=document.querySelector('video#localVideo');
navigator.getUserMedia(media_constraints, handleUserMedia, handleUserMediaError); 
function handleUserMedia(stream) {        
   localStream = stream;        
   adapter.attachMediaStream(localVideo, stream);        
   console.log('Adding local stream.');  

but my browser logs the error: Uncaught ReferenceError: require is not defined


  • require is used (and defined) in Node.js environments to load modules. (Not exclusively, for more information check here).

    If you downloaded an adapter.js version from here and include it the way you do (via script tags), you can simple delete the require(...) line and you should be good to go.

    Edit: added an example

    <script src=""></script>