
Invalid Keymap error when byte compiling minor-mode key bindings

The code below from my .emacs works fine normally but gives me an "Invalid keymap my-keys-mode-map" error when I try to byte compile it.

  (defvar my-keys-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap) "my-keys-mode keymap.")

  (define-minor-mode my-keys-mode
    "A minor mode to override major modes keys."
    t " my-keys" 'my-keys-mode-map)

  (bind-key "C-;" (quote right-char) my-keys-mode-map)
  (bind-key "C-j" (quote left-char) my-keys-mode-map)

The error is on the bind-key line. I have tried define-key instead of bind-key, or using make-keymap instead of make-sparse-map but without luck. I am not too proficient with elisp. Is there some other way to define the key-map so that it is recognized by the byte compiler?


  • Remove the quote in front of the keymap symbol in the define-minor-mode.

    In other words, the minor-mode definition should be this:

    (define-minor-mode my-keys-mode
      "A minor mode to override major modes keys."
      t " my-keys" my-keys-mode-map)

    You need to pass a keymap, not a symbol (whose value is a keymap), to define-minor-mode.