My parameters determine the name of my parameterized pytest. I will be using a some randomized params for these tests. In order for my reporting names in junit to not get messed up, I'd like to create a static name for each parameterized test.
Is it possible?
JUnit seems to have a parameter: Changing names of parameterized tests
class TestMe:
("testname", "op", "value"),
("testA", "plus", "3"),
("testB", "minus", "1"),
def test_ops(self, testname, op, value):
I tried overwriting
however I can only rename it during test execution.
I'm almost positive I either need to write a plugin or a fixture. What do you think would be the best way to go about this?
You're looking for the ids
argument of pytest.mark.parametrize
list of string ids, or a callable. If strings, each is corresponding to the argvalues so that they are part of the test id. If callable, it should take one argument (a single argvalue) and return a string or return None.
Your code would look like
("testname", "op", "value"),
("testA", "plus", "3"),
("testB", "minus", "1"),
ids=['testA id', 'testB id']
def test_industry(self, testname, op, value):