Sorry if the question is unclear
I am making a simple multithread program that has a linked list to store all thread created except the main thread. Then I want to send some signal to terminate the main thread but only when all other threads have closed and I intend to do this by making that when the thread close, it will remove itself from linked list then the main thread will check if that list size == null or not
here is my code
public class MainProgram {
//some global static variable
static List<Thread> threadList = new LinkedList<Thread>();
public void main() throws IOException {
ServerSocket serverSocket;
serverSocket = new ServerSocket(1234);
//wait for all other thread close/terminate
Socket s = serverSocket.accept();
ClientThread x = new ClientThread(s);
Thread y = new Thread(x);
when Shutdown_Handler.shutdown==true the main will check the threadList if it is null
. The problem is I don't know how to make the thread remove itself from the list. As what I have searched, for normal object, I can create method like this
public class someObject {
public static void delete(){
if(list.size = null) return;
However, in case of thread, the Class implement Runnable
so this
reference is to the object but not the thread stored in the list
I would recommend using a HashMap
instead of a List
. The keys can be the Thread Name (e.g. Thread.getName()
) and the values will be the Threads.
Map<String, Thread> threadMap = new HashMap<String, Thread>();
You should also create this Map as a synchronizedMap (using Collections.synchronizedMap(...)
Map<String, Thread> synchronizedMap = Collections.synchronizedMap(threadMap);
Now, whenever you construct a Thread, you pass this HashMap into its constructor and the Thread can hold a reference to it. Therefore, when the Thread is about to terminate it can remove itself from the HashMap
by using its own Thread name as the key to remove.